On The Go! - by Pamela Hunter


Oh my goodness, I love this time of year!  It's my birthday month with crisp air and the colors are so vibrant.  Our yoga room opens to a beautiful view of geese, ducks and beavers and the magnificent glow of the changing scenery Fall brings to a serene pond (check out our classes). I cherish these moments of peaceful bliss when I am travelling, cooped up in transport with many others affected in different ways by the change of season.

Awakening Awareness

Recently I flew to teach at the YL Balance Yoga and Wellness retreat in San Diego.  I always carry Young Living essential oils with me, and offered Lavender to a mother with a child upset on the flight.  The scent quieted the baby and in turn kept other passengers from being irritated as well.  Happy to share, here are some tools for travel that are with me on the go as well as at home to maintain my fun lovin’ lifestyle.

As nurturers and caregivers, we don’t always think about ourselves first yet we are first in line to help others.  How can we serve when we ourselves are depleted and have little to give?  Not real well....so I make sure I have my tools.  One of the mainstays for whole-body nutrient infusion in my home is NingXia Red.  My boys have been drinking it since childhood and continue to do so now away from home in college.  There are many berry drinks on the market today touting antioxidants because they are good for your health.  Let me give you some science behind the benefits of NingXia Red and why we do not go without it in our lives.

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Opening Paths

Have you heard of the goji berry?  It is a superfruit packed with antioxidants and has 13% protein content!  A fruit with protein - YES!  The NingXia wolfberry is a deep red fruit that grows on vines from cute trumpet flowers shouting out for sunshine love.  The NingXia wolfberry and the goji berry are part of the same family, but grow in different places.  This is important.  Why?  Because the NingXia province in Northern China where Young Living farms berries is a semi-arid region that has been known for hundreds of years to produce the most nutrient-dense foods.  NingXia Red has been scientifically tested with a S-ORAC score that makes it one of the most antioxidant-rich beverages worldwide.

NingXia wolfberry puree is the #1 ingredient in NingXia Red and it tastes yummy!  Young Living adds blueberry, plum, cherry, aronia and pomegranate juices for a synergistic blend giving us 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, polysaccharides, calcium, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, And E!  This tasty beverage is also infused with select essential oils, full of d-limonene and additional citrus benefits of orange, yuzu, lemon and tangerine.  Cheers! Here is a shot glass that is so healthy for you it’s great to take two!  Best when chilled, we recommend taking two fluid ounces 1-3 times a day - 8am , 10am, and 2pm is so nice!

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Living a Fun Lovin’ Lifestyle

You will always find a bottle of NingXia Red in my refrigerator.  I keep it in stock ordering monthly using our Essential Rewards program so I never run out.  Creating drinks by adding essential oils to our NingXia Red and making celebratory toasts using NingXia Red and Zyng brings laughter and good times to our home. My boys use it all for mixers in college - at least there is some wellness there. LOL  For those who have trouble giving up their bubbly diet drinks, try NingXia Zyng for a refreshing healthy shift!

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When I am on the go, I bring the 2 oz. packets of NingXia Red with me in my handbag and always pack 2 for each day in my checked bag.  My husband keeps them in his car for added energy for long work days.  They make great popsicles when frozen for young and young-at-heart alike!  My boys in college enjoy NingXia Nitro for an extra boost of calm energy after a workout or to prevent that afternoon slump - Charlie, while at the library studying and Ben, while in the practice room playing his trumpet for hours (or at least that's where mom likes to think they are spending their time LOL). NingXia Nitro has green tea extract to maintain alertness and B vitamines so they can continue to be at their best.

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Now you see why NingXia Red is so good for you?  Try it yourself for 30 days.  Feel energized physically and mentally.  Revitalize yourself to stay well so you may continue to serve others.  Do give back and share with us the positive shifts this powerful whole food puree juice brings to your life.  We’d love to hear from you.  This is one seasonal shift that is good to start and best kept year round.   It is a great time to do a Nutritive Cleanse - Here are my thoughts:  2-3 oz. of NingXia Red daily is maintenance.  4-6 oz. daily you are starting to change the cells.  6+ oz. daily you are doing a Nutritive Cleanse!

Feel it for yourself.  There is a NingXia Red Starter kit if you need to get plugged in.

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We can help you get started with NingXia Red. And if you are already a YLEO member, the most economical way to order NingXia Red is by ordering the NingXia Red Essential Rewards Kit.

Contact us and we will show you how.



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