Grateful for Cousin Camp Inspiration - with Pamela Hunter


My dad once again planted a seed in me…he said, “Wow, between you and Melody, your cousin, I see one of you on Facebook every time your mother shows me that thing.” He made me giggle as he somewhat makes fun of the world today with all of us entertaining each other over the internet. He did not realize the seed he planted and how it would be watered to grow into something so gorgeous! You see, I always listen to my dad even when I do not like to hear what he is saying. Do you do that, too? I mean, sometimes we cannot help but to take in the words of someone who has been such a strong influence on our lives. Are you feeling that, too?

So, once my dad said that, I began paying more attention to my cousin, Melody Lane, Circuit crafting sensation on YouTube and social media. He was right on. As I followed her on social media and watched her videos, I could see we were both “gurus” in our industries. More than that, I could feel how much she loves what she is doing and how she cares for her community. Seeing her made me look at myself deeper and check in to see if this was also coming across from me to my community. She made me giggle. And OH, let me tell you, her and I laugh the same and we laugh A LOT! This is something we definitely have in common. Becoming a fan of Melody Lane, I was shocked to see her YouTube videos of her driving down the highway and sharing with her crafting community. Wow! They love seeing all of this. What is all this about? It made my heart fill with love and laughter. I knew there was more to it and I longed to find out.

Let’s back track. My cousin Melody and I never really had much of a relationship. Looking back at our childhood, we didn’t see each other very often and when we did, she was way shy, complete opposite of me. So, in my mind, I now felt like I was much older than her. Come to find out, she felt the same as I in that I was around 10 years older than her – NOT. We are only 2 years apart! This made us both laugh out loud!

I asked her if we could talk various times and she always said, “YES, anytime.” It took me months and months to finally pick up the phone to call her. Our first conversation was a bit awkward, talking to someone who you have not seen in over 15 years and do not know very well. So I went to my comfort zone and asked, “Have you ever thought of using essential oils during your crafts?” She replied, “I was just looking into buying a diffuser. I need to keep my energy up when I am crafting and doing so many videos. Do you think it would help?” BAM! She was now speaking my language – what was my answer? “YES! I would love to support you in this.” I was so jazzed as she is a social media/YouTube phenomena and I am one of her fans! She is a celebrity that would be interested in what I have to offer - OMGoodness! I offered to gift her Young Living’s Premium Starter Kit and she immediately said, “I can afford to buy it Pam.” Wow! That doesn’t happen very often. I said, “OK, but I would also like to gift you the Desert Mist diffuser with one of my favorite oils called Awaken.” She agreed that would be nice.

Fast forward to our next conversation when she explained to me that so many people that watch her videos are in need in one way or another. She explained the videos of her driving down the highway can be some of the most powerful moments for her followers that love crafting with her. She also explained that crafting can be a tool for people who need to get their mind off of challenges. Both she and I felt our hearts open to the possibilities of helping her community. Remembering my dad, I knew it was time to water this seed and visit Melody in person. I invited myself to visit her.

I texted her, “How about I come visit for a week in October and I learn from you and you learn from me?”

Her text reply, “I am not sure I have anything to teach YOU.”

“What?!? YOU are a YouTube expert and I would love to learn from you!” I squealed in writing.

She texted immediately, “I am good on camera, but YOU are great in person.”

Ahhhhh, now I understood. Yes, I love to be on stage and in front of people teaching and sharing. Melody does the same thing but from behind the desk on computer and video. Her comfort zone and mine are opposite. WE have so much to share with each other I became crazy excited!!! I would get to share essential oils and wellness with her and she would teach me the technology and techniques to be better online. Awesome! Cousin Camp was planned and so much fun! You can see our reunion videos on

Now this story is not only about us … remember, we are all about our communities. Before I arrived to see her, we made plans to roll out to her community everything I am sharing with her. Melody Lane offered a special to her community to join Young Living Essential Oils with all of her commissions from the sale going back to her community and then some. AND if they joined the Melody Lane Life Style Challenge ordering a 2 pack of NingXia Red superfood puree juice for 3 months, they each received a FREE Lemon Vitality essential oil from Melody and Cinnamon Vitality essential oil from Young Living!

Hence, Melody Lane Life Style was created and Melody Lane Life Style Challenge was launched. She has close to 2000 people in this FB group and set records for our Young Living biz with signing up 85 new oilers in 2 weeks with 67 on the big challenge! This means 85 lives are being opened to more wellness in their lives and this number is growing. WE are having so much fun with this as we are doing Life Style Coaching calls weekly with this group and any other Young Living users in her community and mine who would like to join us.

The seed my dad planted sprouted an idea and created a closer bond between Melody and I. Now we both see our similarities to love our communities and really care about others and the world around us. This seed is now a gorgeous bouquet of flowers! It is a beautiful union of understanding, love, and growth. I am grateful for my cousin and getting to know who she really is. I am grateful to be open to words of wisdom and allowing them to take root and grow.

With this love to our communities and the outpouring of support from her community and mine, Melody Lane received the rank of Silver for Young Living Essential Oils in two weeks’ time, a big accomplishment with all of her commissions being given back to her community. That is a caring heart! Congratulations Melody Lane!

Thank you to Melody Lane, her community and my Fun Lovin’ Oils Community, this union and our efforts grew us to the rank of Diamond for Young Living Essential Oils. Being Diamond is an accomplishment that would not feel good unless I was guided there by helping others and watering more and more seeds of wellness. I am grateful to be able to share with all of you this watering can of pure love & light!

Do you need motivation to reach out to one of your family members who you do not know very well?  Or perhaps there is a relationship that needs mending, give it some water!  Check out our videos from Cousin Camp here:


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