Who is your mentor? - with Pamela Hunter


Who is your mentor?

This week I have been reflecting on this question that has been asked of us as leaders at Young Living Convention 2018 - "Because of Gary, I...."

Wow! This is a big question with lots of experiences and memories being triggered for me. I always have called Gary Young my mentor and teacher. From when I first met him and felt his energy in 2005 by walking up to the front of thousands of people in the audience where he was standing and watching the stage, holding out my hands, he placing his hands on mine and said, "Hi. What are we doing?" I replying, "I need to feel your energy and see if you are real." He laughed with his big grin and said, "I am very real." We stayed there for a moment, then he said with a giggle, "Are we done yet?" The story goes on, but you get the jest. From this moment on, I learned all I could learn by showing up where he was teaching and where I could be with him in small group of education. At times it was A LOT to get my kids cared for, help my husband understand my desires, and be in the fear of going to places I had never been. His energy I felt that day became a part of me guiding me on adventures and a path of knowledge giving me the tools to serve others in a bigger way. I have so many special times that I am in AW of being in the right place at the right time and feeling the Divine Timing guiding me to be with my mentor/teacher.

Back in 2010 when I lost 75% of my vision over and over and accepted pharmaceuticals into my body for the first time in 15 years, the medications helped my eyesight in the emergency yet broke down my immune so greatly it was scary! I needed to regroup and heal returning to natural remedies. I went to be with Gary on the Young Living farm in Idaho to plant 5000 trees. (see this entire in in our new book - Mindful Kids). We worked the land by day and he mentored us at night. Never telling us what to exactly do with protocols, but educating us on wellness and products so we could read between the lines and figure out our own "stuff". The stories with Gary Young, my mentor/teacher are many. I am so very grateful for these times. But to answer this question in simple terms...

"Because of Gary Young, I have experienced true life ADVENTURE traveling to many spiritual lands feeling the energy of God's creation through the people, the plants, and the terrain. I have manifested a magnificent life with friends all over the world! I have been given the opportunity to plant, harvest, and distill our "little bottles of love". Essential oils are my best friends - there for me moment to moment. This is a real, authentic life adventure knowing if I am not 'living on the edge, I am taking up too much space'!"

Think about this same question with your mentor's name.  "Because of _________, I..."

Please share your answer and story with us. Help us to know you and your mentor. 

Let's put some real energy into the people who energized us, by sharing...


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